Agri platform hero image

Your Biobased Solution Hub

Source final products, develop projects, or find the plants you need - all in one place

From Superior Plants to Innovative Solutions

We offer a comprehensive range of bio-based products and services to meet your needs, from high-quality tissue culture plants to tailored project development.

Lab-based Plants

Lab-based Plants

High-quality, disease-free tissue culture plants grown in controlled environments.



State-of-the-art greenhouse facilities for optimal plant growth and development.



Nurseries built to scale and on site for final growth stage



Expert guidance and/or management for large-scale plantation projects.

Our Comprehensive Offerings

We connect sellers and buyers, addressing both immediate needs and long-term projects through our integrated platform.

Spot Offerings

Spot Offerings

Access existing inventory for immediate needs, connecting you directly with suppliers.

Explore Spot Market
Project Offerings

Project Offerings

Tailored solutions for long-term bio-based needs, from concept to completion.

Discover Projects

Harness the Power of Integration

Access all the information you need at your fingertips with our comprehensive platform

Platform Interface